The Memorial Museum of Skanderbeg
The Skanderbeg Memorial is located in the heart of the ancient city of Lissus, around which lies today’s Lezha. This memorial was built in 1981 to honor the national hero of Albania and to mark two important events for Albania’s history. On the one hand, on March 2, 1444, Skanderbeg assembled in Lezha all the Albanian princes and convinced them to fight against the Ottoman invaders. On the other hand, Scanderbeg, who passed away on January 17, 1468, was buried in Lezha.
In the core of the memorial are the ruins of St. Nicholas Church, where Skanderbeg was buried. After the collapse of the Albanian resistance, the Ottoman invaders destroyed Skanderbeg’s grave and the church was transformed into a Mosque. In the 1980s, a columned structure was constructed around the ruins of the church and a series of objects that evoke Albanian resistance were exhibited. At the center of the memorial is erected the bust of Scanderbeg. The memorial was completely restored in 2018 and got the appearance it has today.